In Memoriam

The table is round, set for one


The TABLE … set for one … is small – symbolizing the loneliness we feel without we them.
The TABLECLOTH is white … symbolizing the purity of their intentions and willingness to respond to their country’s call to arms.
The single ROSE in the vase reminds us of the families and loved ones of our comrades-in-arms, who kept the faith awaiting their return, and forever left behind.
The RED RIBBON tied so prominently on the vase, is reminiscent of the red ribbon worn by many who bear witness to their unyielding determination; to account for every one of our missing.
A SLICE OF LEMON is on the bread plate to remind us of their bitter fate.
There is SALT upon the bread plate too, symbolic of the river of tears shed by families and loved ones.
The GLASS is inverted … they cannot toast with us this night.
The CHAIR is empty … they are not here. Our lives are incomplete because they are not here to sit with us tonight. They were there for us … we are still here for them.
In honoring them … each of them … all of them … we stand silently and face their table … the table where they should be sitting with us tonight. We stand silently in their absence.
Please raise your glass in a toast. “To the Missing Man. We served with you and called you comrade; we will never forget your ultimate sacrifice.”

Pavers with Museum in Back~2

For obituaries of classmates who have rendered their last salute CLICK HERE

For tributes to classmates who Gave All CLICK HERE

“The Mansions of the Lord” performed by the US Military academy Glee Club and Metro Voices