66th Company Days

OCS Brass

Brent Gulick and Mike Latimer

Brent Gulick and Mike Latimer

LT Frank, 2ndPlatoon TAC

LT Frank, 2ndPlatoon TAC

Denny Calton sewing

Denny Calton sewing with Herb Boutwell, Paul Derham and Larry Smith


Ed Printz, Herb Boutwell, Paul Derham and Denny Calton with 90 mm

OCS Lt. Ulricson & Lt Frank...wet at River Crossing

Lts Ulricson & Frank…wet at River Crossing

Paul Derhams disgust at ham and lima beans

Paul Derhams disgust at ham and lima beans

1SG Larrimore is unhappy

1SG Larrimore is unhappy

Candidates pay

Pierce, Turner and Thill

Pierce, Turner and Thill

CPT Taylor's first jump

CPT Taylor’s first jump


6th Platoon in Formation

LT Frank's Birthday

LT Frank’s Birthday

Helmets in Formation

Helmets in Formation

Cpt Taylor

CPT Taylor

Pugil Sticks

Pugil Sticks

Purple Haze on the FTX

Purple Haze on the FTX

LT Frank and his boys in the Chattahoochee

LT Frank and his boys in the Chattahoochee

Reg and the Ammo

Reg and the Ammo

Towner and Thomas Feb 1969 Radio and Antenna Field  Training

Towner and Thomas Feb 1969 Radio and Antenna Field Training

For Pictures of 12th and 18th week parties. CLICK

Do you remember beer in the Arms Room?

Jerry Nix in his 96th Company Cube


Bob Turner on Blue Day

Bob Turner on Blue Day

Eric Lampe on Blue Day

Eric Lampe on Blue Day


Mike Riccitiello


Senior Candidate Parade

Doug and Nancy Clark on Graduation day

Doug and Nancy Clark on Graduation day

Can you find yourself?

Can you find yourself?

LT Holeman

Newly minted 2LT Holeman

Pierce and Turner in their cube

2LT Turner the TAC

2LT Turner the TAC