Where We Served

Links to websites dedicated to the units with whom we served



MACV Teams https://macvteams.org/

GIA VUC http://www.gia-vuc.com/mat%20team.htm

1st Cav

1st Cav

1st Cavalry Division Association https://www.1cda.org

First Team http://www.first-team.us/tableaux/chapt_08/


9th Infantry

9th Infantry

9th Infantry Division http://www.9thinfantrydivision.com/

Delta Grunts http://www.deltagrunts.com/links.html

25th Infantry

25th Infantry

25th Infantry Association https://www.25thida.org/

Tropical lightning News https://www.25thida.org/TLN/


Americal Division

Americal Division Veterans Association http://americal.org/cmsaml/index.php/about-us.html

2nd Battalion 1st Infantry 196th Light Infantry Brigade http://www.b-2-1-196lib.com/default.htm


173rd Airborne

173d Airborne Brigade Association https://www.skysoldier.net

173rd Airborne.com http://www.173rdairborne.com/menu.htm

3rd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment


101st Airborne

Screaming Eagle https://screamingeagle.org/

327th Infantry http://www.327infantry.org/homescreamingeagles

2nd Inf

2nd Infantry

2nd Infantry Division Association http://2ida.org/

2nd Infantry Division Korea http://www.2id.korea.army.mil/

7th Inf

7th Infantry

7th Infantry Division Association http://7ida.us/

Camp Casey 1960-1970 http://brucerichards.com/army/ccasey2.htm

1st Signal Brigade RVN

1st Signal Brigade Association http://1sba.wildapricot.org

send suggestions additional units or links to 66thCompany@gmail.com